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1978 Crazy Foam Catalog

crazy foam

American Aerosol Corporation began selling Crazy Foam in the 1960s but most 70s kids will remember for it the many licenses it had including the DC and Marvel Comics Superheroes. I can honestly remember choosing a tin of Robin Crazy Foam over getting a toy once. You have a pretty powerful product if a kid chooses your soap over a toy.

1978 was an interesting year for Crazy Foam as it saw the introduction of Color Crazy Foam, a new innovation and also introduced were two new licenses in the form of Popeye the Sailor man and TV sensation The Incredible Hulk! crazy foam

Color was the big deal this year and they even pared back the licensed items to give it more space, I had to settle for boring old white. Not that I complained...

crazy foam

The stuff sold consistantly through to the 1980s.

crazy foam

Can't decide which character I want to puke on me.

crazy foam

As much as it's cool to see an original display box of the stuff, it's a little drab.

crazy foam

More Superhero Stuff

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