Vintage Trick or Treat Shots

The response was so great to our request for vintage trick or treating shots that they needed their own gallery:

This my pal Lee wearing a Ben Cooper Hulk suit, nobody loves the Hulk more than Lee. That's his sis as Peter Criss.

above is Wes Booth as a Cylon long before they were called "Toasters".

Here is Lou in a Collegeville Jaws costume, Lou is still actively involved in Jaws Fandom,

Casey sent in this cool Peter Criss Kiss Costume, say that three times fast.

Kolin sent in this trippy shot of himself as an X wing Pilot, that's a great costume.

Kolin as the caped Crusader

I'm Batman! Here's Chris Franklin as the caped crusader, Chris grew up to do neat stuff like the packaging for the new Captain Action dolls

Alisha sent in this wicked picture of her as Princess Leia, that's her dad as a musical ghost behind her. I think if I saw that costume coming towards me I'd run in an unmasculine way....

Russ from sent me a pile of coolness that I'll be showcasing all this week, the first is this superbad Bigfoot costume. Much like Gavin MacLoed, Bigfoot attained a certain celebrity status in the 1970's, he was everywhere for a while.

Russ as the caped Crusader

That's me as the Collegeville Spider

Another great flashback from Russ over at toytraderz, this time he's Japan's greatest export (besides that Asahi beer and Hello Kitty) Godzilla!

This is Russ from Toytraderz again rocking this Ben Cooper set.

Russ is smurfy in this pic that I'm going to guess is from 1982

Me as Boba Fett, before I fell into the sarlac pit

Me as "The Bat", I liked Knockoffs, what can you say?

nd here's Jason from Bif!Bang!Pow! (makers of those awesome Flash Gordon figures) looking cool as the Dark Lord of the Sith. The gloves really complete the outfit don't you think?
I'm pretty positive I went as Vader in '78 but I'll be damned if I can find evidence.

Erick from Wonderful Wonderblog shares with us some late seventies joy with Gene Simmons makeup, I wonder if he used the Remco Kiss Your Face set?

Here is another fine selection from Erick (of Wonderful Wonderblog) and he's wearing the Ben Cooper Batman costume. I've always wondered why BC decided to put the Batman Logo on the mask itself and why they felt it important to give Superman a dominoe mask. I guess I'll find out in the afterlife....

We've got some vintage goodness this week courtesy of fellow blogger and Halloween "countdowner" Erick from Wonderful Wonderblog with this trip back to 1975

Holy cool costumes Batman, this is Kolin as the boy wonder

Here is Kolin's class on Halloween, lots of store boughts in this selection

"Like a dork I look" as Yoda, probably in 1980.
For more Superhero and Monster related items, Check out these fabulous links: